Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh how DRAMAtic!

I never thought that a last minute work could be so fruitful. 5 Angsana only properly put our drama pieces together one day before the competition. I only memorised my lines the night before. But because of the excellent teamwork from everyone, we managed to get 1st runner up in today's drama competition. Wee-hee! =)

I know our drama wasn't all that great and funny like a few others. And I could hear some disgruntled voices questioning our winning. But one must remember that drama isn't all about the humour and comedy that it carries. The message that it conveys carry even more weight unless we're talking about Senario sketches here.

So perhaps, just perhaps that our drama today potrayed a clearer message and moral story to the judges despite not being as humorous as the rest. And that's why we're the 1st runner up. I guess.

Oh but 5 Angsana peeps, you were all awesome today. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

* pics will be coming soon

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