Sunday, January 01, 2012

Welcome, 2012!

Happy New Year, people!

Wow, another year has gone and another year coming in. While I don't think time flew any faster than it already did, I'm glad to see 2011 finally drawing its curtains down.

No retrospective post this year because honestly, I do not have the energy to recap the big and small details of my 2011. Also, 2011 wasn't particularly an exciting year for me. Ups and downs, disappointment, weariness, spiritual rejuvenation and hopes basically summarize my year. If that makes sense.

No New Year resolutions either. Only one. To get my straight As for A-level and fly to my choice of university in September under Shell. Yeah, that's hardly a resolution. That's more like a life-and-death matter to me if I don't fulfill it. Education-wise.

To 2012, I welcome you with a hopeful heart. Hopeful that you will be a year where I will have the chance to get things right. The year that will make me stronger in dealing with the challenges ahead. Basically, be the year that won't make me fall flat in the face.

Here's to another year! May God bless you, always :)

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