Saturday, August 08, 2009

Awarding Excellent Achievements

We had Majlis Penghargaan Kokurikulum in school today. I was there for English Language Society, Nostalgia Editorial Board and Wira debates. Oh and English Language Society won the Best Academic Club of the Year, 6 times in a row. How awesome!

The realization that this will be my last Majlis Kokurikulum came with a pang when I was gabbing and laughing away with friends today. But at least, we know we are leaving the school with achievements to be proud of and memories that will be remembered for a long time.

I'll definitely miss the debating team and Nostalgia Ed Board. So much time, effort and energy have been poured into these two and they have showed me there is life outside of classroom. If I were to look back at my years in secondary school later, my debate team and Nostalgia would be the first thing to come to mind.

And we cam-whored like no one's business too today. Ah well, after all there's no such thing as taking too many photos, is there?

SMKDJ's choir. They sang with such gusto

The energetic conductor, Rachel

Best Academic Club of the Year for English Society

And here we have the Prez of the club himself (Daryl) with the Vice-Prez =)

In deep thoughts, Keefe and I

AJK of English Lang. Society

I was trying to tie my own necktie for the first time. With Calvin's help
It's actually Syamir not Fadzil

Talk about Girl Power

Making the 'Fat People Are Happy People' pose with Daniel. That was the title of his award-winning public speaking speech.

Who else if not Miss ZharifZafran kan? Hah

Kisses for the trophy with Sophia

For memories' sake

Point of Information, Sir!


Wira champs with the ever so lovely, Pn Mag

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