Monday, July 27, 2009

The Death of the Storyteller

I almost choked on my breakfast when I read the news on Yasmin Ahmad's death in Sunday's newspapers. Everyone thought she would recover from her coma and continue making great, unique Malaysian movies and commercials like she always did.

But that wasn't to be.

I'm not a huge fan of her movies but her Petronas commercials are the best. I always look forward to what's in store for the next advertisement when it comes to Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali etc. So far, she's the only Malaysian director who could beautifully capture the essence of Malaysia's multiculturalism and put it into one simple advertisement.

And, for that I truly respect her.

Yasmin, may Allah bless your soul. While, we here continue to enjoy the legacy and art works that you have left behind for us.

Read my mother's little story she had with Yasmin Ahmad here.

Here's one of my favourite Raya commercials made by the woman herself. Petronas advertisements will never be the same without her now.

1 comment:

anis.hanna.alia said...

ohmygosh! that advertisement made my nangis abit man :(
