Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh no, white hair!

4 weeks into SPM trials and I'm still in the midst of it. One more week to go. Gah!

Personally, I think the whole system is pretty screwed. 11 years of formal education and the most we learn is how to memorise facts and taught to follow the ridiculous yet stringent schemes and guidelines set.

It's like eating packets and packets of nasi lemak, only to regurgitate them back. And even then, you gotta spew it in a certain way. Heh. I can't wait to get out of here. Out of here to search for something new and fresh.

One more week of trials and I couldn't be bothered anymore, seriously. It's not that I'm loosening my grip on SPM. Oh no, of course not. I'm just taking it easy for now. No point pushing myself to the brink too early of a time like this. My sight was always on SPM. Never so much on trials.

But I reached my ultimatum today when I was standing in front of the mirror, combing through my hair. I noticed I had 2 strands of white hair! And they weren't grey or pale white. They were white of the whitest white. And I was like, "WTF?! I'm getting old." Ok, so probably it's in my genes to have white hair. But it's also possible that the white hair came from all those stress and sleepless nights.

That was when I decided I have to take it slow and easy.

I don't want to be an old makcik with a head of white hair before my time comes. Hell no!

Should I or should I not pluck the hair? They say pluck one and two more will grow back. Uh-huh =\


anis.hanna.alia said...

pluck je :p
and err, what is 'regurgitate' ? =(


Nik Nor Zafirah said...

but what if i pluck and more will grow back? nampak mcm mak cik tua ok :(

and oh honey, regurgitate means to throw or vomit it back. like how we are regurgitating our sejarah facts into our exam papers. haha

Kaizen said...
It is time. Link. :)

Rachel said...

yes i agree! the system is totally screwweeeddd up! :(