Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Ugghh, exams?!


I hate what it does to us. I hate how it has turned us into robots, absorbing as many facts as possible just so we can vomit them out again on papers. I hate how we sacrifice our sleeps just so we can memorise what is thermal pollution and how eutrophication occurs.

I hate how it makes us hyperventilate and panicky when we found out the silly, little mistakes we make right after we finish sitting for the exams.

I hate how exams are no longer a test of your knowledge but rather it has become a race on who can get the most As. I hate the fact that there is very little room for blunders at this stage or else you'll be left out.

Right, before I continue rambling like a bimbo, I better bury my nose in the books and read up on my 'semangat nationalisme'. Oh yeaa.....

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