Monday, May 11, 2009

Selamat Hari Ibu!

Niagara Falls, 2007 (look how my dad tries hard to cover himself! lol)

Ain't she classy?

Beloved momma

It's Mother's Day! Ok, I'm feeling really guilty for not having any gifts for my mum. Things have been crazy busy lately and I seriously didn't have time to go out and get her something. So, I decided to write her a poem (at 12.30 midnight), letting her know no matter how busy life is, she's never forgotten. Ibu, (that's what I call my mum) this is for you:

Your love is beautiful,
Nothing is more blissful,
Than the love you pour,
I couldn’t have asked for more.

You were there when I was sick,

Nursing me with a slick,
You were there everytime I fell,
Telling me everything will be well,
You were there when I brought home victory,
Never fail to be proud and happy,

With every Oprah show we watched together,
With every lame joke we laughed at,
With every heated argument we had,
With every cake we baked,
With every travel trip we made,
With every birthday we celebrate,
Comes ever-lasting memories,
That make us smile, frown, laugh, cry, grow and mature.

Forgive me,
For slamming the door,
For avoiding the housechore,
For making your heart sore,
I’m not the best daughter around,
But I’m working on that ground.

For all that you do,



Faridah said...

Thank you, gal.Nice poem that captures all.Why you put gambar meenachi papa tu? Hahaha.

I'm a material gal.I still expect physical gift.Make time for your Momma! :))

Nik Nor Zafirah said...

i hope you like the pottery bowl i just got for you. nothing too grand but well it's the thought that matters kan? =)

Mike DeNeut said...

Whats up? Everyone could drop by my blog and evenleave a comment..

Who's ur best friend, she's a sweetheart..