Monday, June 29, 2009

When there is NO money, there is frustration

[Before I start writing, I wanna warn you this will be a post peppered with profanity and uncomfortable use of language. Don't say I didn't warn you!]

I'm fuckingly frustrated! I spent the afternoon calling up companies and advertisers to invite them to advertise in Nostalgia magazine this year. And the responses: 'Disappointing' with a big ass capital D.

Some of them refused to even listen to what you have to say and just brush you off. Some even pretended that they did not receive the email you sent to them regarding the advertisements even though you've emailed them at least twice.

Admittedly, the advertisements aren't so much on garnering more business opportunities for themselves but more of giving back to the people. Companies (I'm so pissed off now I can't bother to practice anonymity) like WonderMilk, Hiestand (a leading internationally known gourmet bakery), Pensonic, Big Apple and I could go on until tomorrow morning but the point is these companies make money from people like us who buy their products and stuffs.

And they can't even donate RM 150 to a school! What is RM 150 to them, really? Even if you think RM 150 is just too much than say 'NO' politely la. Dumb asses.

I think we ought to be taught more on ethics and how to give back once in awhile. Denying us a few hundred bucks might be nothing to this business minded people but it's a step away from my school students from having a good magazine.

No money, no mag, remember?


Faridah said...

You are learning fast, gal.It is a very ungiving world out there.Kedekut macam taik idung masin!Companies reject tak apa lagi. In my projects (which position and brand Msia as an international destination)Ministries and government agencies pun buat bodoh!(walhal we help them do their job!)

I think you better get back to your teachers esp your Principal abt how difficult it is for school kids to raise funds for school.

Lebih baik buat jumble sale ke, food fair.Get companies/colleges yang berkepentingan to sponsor.

fadzil safuan said...

zaf, betulkn your link my name is fadzil safuan not fadzil safwan...
hissh. fadzil SAFUAN

Nik Nor Zafirah said...

Mum: Yea we're trying to get as many colleges/companies to sponsor but raising 40K is never easy

Fadzil: oppss sorry! hehe. ok dah tukar to fadzil SAFUAN